Skyhouse Consulting A significant part of Skyhouse's income comes from doing telecommuting work. We hope to see Dancing Rabbit's internal economy grow and thrive, but for now, telecommuting is an important part of Dancing Rabbit's economy.
The FEC Skyhouse is a member of the Federation of Egalitarian Communities. There are many benefits of FEC membership for a community: shared outreach, a health insurance fund known as PEACH, a community loan fund, and in general getting help and support from other similar communities.
Fellowship for Intentional Community A non-profit promoting intentional community in North America. Publishers of Communities Magazine, Communities Directory, and the Intentional Communities Website.
Starting a 501(d) community Skyhouse received its 501(d) status as an income-sharing community in October 1997, a process that required much answering of probing, if irrelevant, questions from the IRS. We've included our bylaws, articles of incorporation, and 501(d) application to the IRS here partially to inform potential members but also to assist others who may be in a similar legal situation.
Online Communities Directory an online searchable directory of intentional communities provided by the FIC (and created and maintained by Skyhouse)
Twin Oaks Communities Conference, a fun way to learn more about life in community.